megalith: Media
ancient monument
County Clare
Poulnabrone Dolmen, a prehistoric megalithic tomb in County Clare, Ireland.
Holger Leue/Tourism Ireland
La Roche aux Fées
Interior of La Roche aux Fées, megalithic gallery grave, Neolithic Period, constructed...
D. Lesec/Ziolo
Menhir with representation of a male figure, sandstone, Neolithic Period; in the...
Giraudon/Art Resource, New York
Sheep grazing amid stone monoliths at Avebury, Wiltshire, England.
© sbossert—iStock/Getty Images
La Roche aux Fées
Exterior of La Roche aux Fées, megalithic gallery grave of the Neolithic Period,...
D. Lesec/Ziolo
Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England
Stonehenge, prehistoric circular earthwork and stone religious site, Wiltshire, England;...
Aerofilms Ltd., London
The sun shining behind prehistoric circle mount Stonehenge, on the Salisbury Plain,...
© albo/
megalithic temple chamber
One of the chambers of a megalithic temple at Tarxien, Malta, Late Neolithic (2300–1900...
H. Roger-Viollet
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