For Students
drafting: Media
Figure 1: Two techniques of representing an object. (A) Perspective drawing,...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Figure 2: Orthographic projections of a three-dimensional object onto vertical...
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Figure 3: Selection of points to be projected in preparing orthographic views (see...
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Figure 4: Three objects with identical top and front views. (Top row) Pictorial...
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Figure 5: Use of dashed lines to represent edges hidden in views of a complicated...
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Figure 7: Identification of the hidden edge in third-angle projections of a tetrahedron...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Figure 9: Use of auxiliary view to show true size and shape of an inclined surface...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
computer-aided design
Three-dimensional components being drawn on a laptop using computer-aided design.
© Marzky Ragsac Jr./Fotolia
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