How Does a Double-Helix Staircase Work?: Media
illustration of the Château de Chambord double-helix staircase
Illustration of the double-helix staircase in the Château de Chambord in France....
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc./Steven N. Kapusta
double-helix staircase inside the Château de Chambord
Double-helix staircase inside the Château de Chambord in Chambord, France.
© Mastroraf/
Château de Chambord
Château de Chambord and the surrounding moat, in Chambord, France.
© Mistervlad/
Leonardo da Vinci
Self-portrait by Leonardo da Vinci, chalk drawing, 1512; in the Palazzo Reale, Turin,...
Alinari/Art Resource, New York
Château de Chambord
Château de Chambord in Chambord, France. At the center of the building is the donjon,...
© Pecold/
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