Bullfighter and the Lady
film by Boetticher [1951]
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In bullfighting: Bullfighting and the arts
…ever made is Budd Boetticher’s Bullfighter and the Lady (1951), which sparked great interest in bullfighting in the United States. Boetticher himself was an amateur torero and produced several other bullfighting films. Award-winning director Pedro Almodóvar has also made films involving bullfighting, including Matador (1986), which was roundly criticized in…
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discussed in biography
- In Budd Boetticher: Early life and work
…McDowall, Boetticher made the semiautobiographical Bullfighter and the Lady (1951). The film—the first in which he was credited by his nickname, Budd—was produced by John Wayne and was a minor masterpiece. It centres on a young American (played by Robert Stack) visiting Mexico who is drawn to bullfighting and gets…
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