Enrico Dandolo, (born 1107?, Venice—died 1205, Constantinople), Doge of the Republic of Venice (1192–1205). After a career as a Venetian diplomat, he was elected doge at age 85. He swore the “ducal promise,” spelling out the duties of his office, and instituted reforms, revising the penal code and publishing the first Venetian civil code. He also revised the coinage and sought to promote trade with the East. In 1199 he fought a victorious war against the Pisans. He was prominent in the Fourth Crusade, offering ships and supplies in return for payment (see Treaty of Venice). When the Crusaders were unable to pay, they agreed to help recover Zara for Venice and helped place Alexius IV on the Byzantine throne, an action that led to the conquest of Constantinople. As a leader of the expedition, Dandolo took the title “Lord of the Fourth Part and a Half of the Empire of Romania,” which equaled the territory of the Byzantine Empire given to the Venetians.
Enrico Dandolo Article
Enrico Dandolo summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Enrico Dandolo.
imperialism Summary
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