Obesity and weight control
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The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized obesity as a worldwide epidemic affecting more than 500 million adults and paradoxically coexisting with undernutrition in both developing and industrialized countries. There also have been reports of an alarming increase in childhood obesity worldwide. Obesity (excess body fat for stature) contributes to adverse health consequences such as high blood pressure, blood lipid abnormalities, coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, ischemic stroke, type 2 diabetes, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, several common cancers (including colorectal, uterine, and postmenopausal breast cancers), and reduced life expectancy. Genes play a significant role in the regulation of body weight. Nevertheless, environmental factors such as calorie-rich diets and a sedentary lifestyle can be instrumental in determining how an individual’s genetic heritage will unfold.
Dietary carbohydrates are not the problem in obesity. In some Asian cultures, for example, where carbohydrate foods such as rice are the predominant food, people are relatively thin and heart disease and diabetes rates are lower than they are in Western cultures. What matters in weight control is the ratio of food energy (calories) consumed to energy expended, over time.
Height-weight tables as a reference for healthy weights have been supplanted by the parameter known as the body mass index (BMI). The BMI estimates total body fat, although it is less sensitive than using a skinfold caliper or other method to measure body fat indirectly. The BMI is defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres: weight ÷ height2 = BMI. In 1997 the WHO recommended international adoption of the definition of a healthy BMI for adult women and men as between 18.5 and 24.9. A BMI lower than 18.5 is considered underweight, while a BMI of 25 to 29.9 denotes overweight and 30 or higher indicates obesity. Definitions of overweight and obesity are more difficult to quantify for children, whose BMI changes with age.
A healthful eating plan for gradual weight loss in adults will likely contain about 1,200 to 1,500 kilocalories (kcal) per day, probably accompanied by a balanced vitamin and mineral supplement. A desirable weight loss is about one pound per week from fat stores (as opposed to lean tissue), which requires an energy deficit of 3,500 kcal, or about 500 kcal per day. Consuming less than 1,000 kcal per day is not recommended; a preferred approach would be to increase physical activity, which has the added benefit of helping to maintain lean tissue. Individuals who are severely obese and unable to lose weight may, after medical consultation, consider weight-loss medications that suppress appetite or decrease nutrient absorption or even surgery to reduce the volume of the stomach or bypass it altogether. Carbohydrate-restricted diets, very-low-fat diets, and novelty diets—those in which one food or food group is emphasized—may result in weight loss but generally fail to establish the good dietary and exercise practices necessary to maintain the desired weight, and weight is often regained shortly after the diet is stopped.
A successful approach to long-term weight management requires establishing new patterns: eating healthfully, but eating less; engaging in regular physical activity; and changing behaviour patterns that are counterproductive, such as eating while watching television. Limiting intake of fatty foods, which are more energy-rich, is also helpful, as is eating smaller portions and drinking water instead of calorie-containing drinks. Low-fat foods are not always low in total calories, as the fat may be replaced by sugars, which themselves provide calories. Individuals who use artificial or nonnutritive sweeteners do not necessarily reduce their total calorie intake.
Research with genetically obese laboratory animals led to the discovery of the ob gene in mice and humans. Under the direction of this gene, adipose (fat) tissue cells secrete leptin, a protein hormone. When fat stores increase, leptin sends a signal to the hypothalamus (a regulatory centre in the brain) that stimulates one to eat less and expend more energy. Certain genetic mutations result in insufficient production of functional leptin or in a failure to respond to the leptin signal. Treatment with leptin may prove useful for the small percentage of obese persons who have a defect in the ob gene, although it is not yet known whether leptin therapy will induce weight loss in those who are leptin-resistant or who do not have mutations in the ob gene.
Eating disorders
Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are serious health problems reflecting an undue concern with body weight. Girls and young women are most vulnerable to the pressures of society to be thin, although boys and men can also fall prey to these disorders, which have lifelong consequences and can even be fatal. The incidence of eating disorders has risen during the last 50 years, particularly in the United States and western Europe.
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by low body weight, propensity for drastic undereating, intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat (despite being underweight), and a distorted body image. Consequences include impaired immunity, anemia, and diminished digestive function. Without intervention, a state of semi-starvation similar to marasmus may occur, requiring hospitalization and even force-feeding to prevent death. Treatment usually requires a coordinated approach, with the participation of a physician, psychiatrist, dietitian, and possibly other health professionals.
Bulimia nervosa is thought to be more prevalent than anorexia nervosa, and both disorders may even occur in the same person. In bulimia nervosa recurrent episodes of “binge eating” are followed by a form of purging, such as self-induced vomiting, fasting, excessive exercise, or the use of laxatives, enemas, or diuretics. Treatment usually involves a structured eating plan.
Young athletes often restrict energy intakes to meet weight guidelines and body-image expectations of their sport. Females are most affected, but male athletes, such as gymnasts, wrestlers, boxers, and jockeys, are also vulnerable. Intense training among young female athletes, coupled with food energy restriction, often results in amenorrhea (failure to menstruate for at least three consecutive months) and bone loss similar to that at menopause. Calcium supplementation may be required.
Tooth decay
Dental caries (tooth decay) is an oral infectious disease in which bacteria, primarily Streptococcus mutans, in the dental plaque metabolize simple sugars and other fermentable carbohydrates into acids that dissolve tooth enamel. Dental plaque (not to be confused with the lipid-containing plaque found in arteries) is a mass of bacteria and sticky polymers that shield the tooth from saliva and the tongue, thereby facilitating decay. All dietary forms of sugar, including honey, molasses, brown sugar, and corn syrup, can cause tooth decay; fermentable carbohydrates in crackers, breads, cereals, and other grain products, as well as milk, fruits, and fruit juices, also have cariogenic (decay-causing) potential. Eating sugary or starchy foods between meals, especially sticky foods that stay on the teeth longer, increases the time that teeth are exposed to destructive acids. Artificial sweeteners are not cariogenic, and xylitol, a sugar alcohol used in some chewing gums, is even cariostatic, i.e., it reduces new tooth decay by inhibiting plaque and suppressing decay-causing bacteria. Putting an infant to sleep with a bottle, especially one containing juice or other sweetened beverages, milk, or infant formula can lead to a condition called “baby bottle tooth decay.”
Fluoride is extremely effective at protecting tooth enamel from decay, especially while enamel is being formed in the jaws before the permanent teeth erupt. Fluoridation of water in communities where fluoride is not naturally high is a safe and effective public health measure. Water with approximately one part per million of fluoride protects against dental caries without causing the mottling of teeth that can occur at higher levels. In areas without fluoridated water, fluoride supplements are recommended for children. Brewed tea, marine fish consumed with bones, and seaweed are significant food sources of fluoride.
Regular brushing and flossing of the teeth and gums, as well as rinsing the mouth after meals and snacks, are important measures that protect against periodontal (gum) disease as well as dental caries. Gum health also depends on a properly functioning immune system and good overall nutrition. Key nutrients include vitamin C, which helps protect against gingivitis (inflamed gums), and calcium and vitamin D, which help ensure a strong jawbone and teeth.
Heartburn and peptic ulcer
When gastric contents, containing hydrochloric acid, flow backward from the stomach, the lining of the esophagus becomes inflamed, leading to the burning sensation known as heartburn. Occasional heartburn (also known as acid indigestion) is a common occurrence, typically precipitated by eating certain foods. However, some people experience heartburn regularly, a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Individuals with GERD are advised to limit their intake of alcohol and caffeine, which relax the lower esophageal sphincter and actually promote reflux, as well as their intake of fat, which delays gastric emptying. Chocolate, citrus fruit and juices, tomatoes and tomato products, spearmint and peppermint oils, and certain spices may aggravate heartburn, but these foods do not appear to cause the condition.
For overweight or obese individuals with GERD, weight loss may have a beneficial effect on symptoms. Eating smaller meals, chewing food thoroughly, eating more slowly, avoiding tight-fitting clothes, not smoking, and not lying down before about three hours after eating are among the factors that may improve the condition. Without medical supervision, drugs such as antacids and acid controllers should be used only infrequently.
It is now known that a peptic ulcer (a sore on the lining of the stomach or duodenum) is not caused by stress or eating spicy foods, as was once thought; rather, most peptic ulcers are caused by the infectious bacterial agent Helicobacter pylori and can be treated by a simple course of antibiotics. However, stress and dietary factors—such as coffee, other caffeinated beverages, and alcohol—can aggravate an existing ulcer.
Bowel conditions and diseases
Constipation, a condition characterized by the difficult passage of relatively dry, hardened feces, may arise from insufficient dietary fibre (roughage) or other dietary factors, such as taking calcium or iron supplements, in addition to daily routines that preclude relaxation. Straining during defecation can also contribute to diverticulosis, small outpouchings in the colonic wall, which may become inflamed (diverticulitis) and present serious complications. Another possible consequence of straining is hemorrhoids, swollen veins of the rectum and anus that typically lead to pain, itching, and bleeding. Constipation can usually be treated by eating high-fibre foods such as whole-grain breads and cereals, drinking sufficient amounts of water, and engaging in regular exercise. By drawing water into the large intestine (colon), fibre—especially the insoluble type—helps form a soft, bulky stool. Eating dried fruits such as prunes, which contain a natural laxative substance (dihydroxyphenyl isatin) as well as being high in fibre, also helps stimulate the bowels. Although laxatives or enemas may be helpful, frequent use may upset fluid, mineral, and electrolyte (salt) balances and interfere with vitamin absorption. Any persistent change in bowel habits should be evaluated by a physician.
In contrast to constipation, diarrhea—loose, watery stools, and possibly an increased frequency of bowel movements—can be a cause for immediate concern. Acute diarrhea of bacterial origin is relatively common and often self-limiting. Other common causes of acute diarrhea include viral infections, parasites, food intolerances or allergies, medications, medical or surgical treatments, and even stress. Regardless of cause, drinking fluids is important for treating a temporary bout of diarrhea. However, if severe and persisting, diarrhea can lead to potentially dangerous dehydration and electrolyte imbalances and requires urgent medical attention, especially in infants and children. Prolonged vomiting presents similar risks.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn disease (regional ileitis) or ulcerative colitis, results in impaired absorption of many nutrients, depending upon which portion of the gastrointestinal tract is affected. Children with IBD may fail to grow properly. Treatment generally includes a diet low in fat and fibre, high in protein and easily digestible carbohydrate, and free of lactose (milk sugar). Increased intakes of certain nutrients, such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, and supplementation with fat-soluble vitamins may also be recommended, along with additional fluid and electrolytes to replace losses due to diarrhea.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by a disturbance in intestinal peristalsis. Symptoms include excessive gas, abdominal discomfort, and cramps, as well as alternating diarrhea and constipation. Although it can be extremely uncomfortable, IBS does not cause intestinal damage. Dietary treatment involves identifying and avoiding “problem” foods, notably legumes and other gas-producing vegetables and dairy products, and possibly reducing caffeine consumption. For most people with IBS, a low-fat diet, smaller meals, and a gradual increase in fibre intake are helpful.